The handicrafts of Monóvar are represented by bobbin lace and wicker work.

The Workshop of Bolillos founded in 1959 still persists, where new generations can learn this craft trade, of great roots in the past among female monoveras.
To weave the lace, wooden rods are used, similar to drum sticks, called bobbins, and a round cushion of adequate hardness.

Hacer Bolillos
El arte de hacer Bolillos / L'art de fer Boixets / The art of making Bolillos

Each bobbin is rolled with fine knitting yarn. On the cushion a template is placed that has holes forming a drawing, in each hole a round head pin of a different color is placed to be able to distinguish each bobbin to which it is linked.

hacer Bolillos

The art of this system consists in passing the bobbins one over the other, so that the shape of the template is created.

Wicker handicraft work has been a traditional trade in Monóvar during the last century. Currently, these artisans carry out work on behalf of the manufacture and restoration of wicker, pith and rattan furniture and bamboo.

Artesanía de mimbre
Artesanía de mimbre / Artesania de vímet / Wicker crafts